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MVision AI-powered GBS™ Solution is the answer to all clinical needs in radiotherapy contouring, from comparison and calculation of similarities (Verify) to AI-based automation and standardization (Contour+) to leveraging contouring guideline know-how of the radiotherapy experts (Guide). It also integrates with all treatment planning systems (TPS) and addresses multiple clinical needs in CT and MR contouring: automatic segmentation, staff training, competence testing, and objective structure assessment.

Guideline-Based AI Segmentation

Automatically generates contours, directing clinics’ contouring practices towards industry standards.

Automatic Contouring for Radiation Therapy

Contour+ speeds up contouring, guides toward standardization, and increases consistency. Designed to guide the clinic’s contouring practice toward consensus and guideline compliance.

Comprehensive AI contouring solution

Contour+ encompasses all major anatomical sites and treatment planning structures with state-of-the-art 3D AI models. The models cover over 250 standard and complex structures, such as lymph nodes, bowel loops, and brachial plexus, as well as anatomical landmarks.


Models trained with only peer-reviewed contouring data according to consensus guidelines: ESTRO, EPTN, RTOG, UK SABR Consortium.

Multi-environment deployment

Cloud-based and local, fully integratable with all hospital systems.


A reduction of up to 95% in contouring time per patient.


Accurate, fast and reliable contours of 250+ ROIs, including 60+ lymph node areas.


CE-marked, FDA-Cleared*, QMS is MDSAP and ISO 13485 certified.​

MVision Guide enables the experts to be prepared to review and accept the AI-generated contouring results.

Enabling Excellence in Education

Empowers your team to thoroughly review AI-generated contours to be in line with guidelines.​

Training platform to improve your expertise

MVision Guide provides a comprehensive solution designed for Radiation Therapy professionals to enhance their contouring skills while ensuring compliance with international standards.​

Comprehensive library

A high-quality library of guideline-compliant reference training material is available.

Peer-reviewed scans

Library includes: CT scans for Brain, Head and Neck, Thorax, Abdomen, Male Pelvis, Female Pelvis, MRI scans for Male Pelvis T2, T1-Dixon weighted images and Brain T1 weighted 3D images.

Uncovers errors and deviations

Supports the use of Contour+ by increasing clinician sensitivity to detect auto-segmentation errors and deviations from those described in guidelines.

Encourages contouring consensus

Has the potential to further increase in-house user consensus and guideline compliance, as well as decrease contouring variation.

Building Trust in AI

Compares the user or AI-generated structures vs. selected reference structures and calculates similarity metrics.​

Contour Comparison Tool

MVision Verify allows visual and volumetric comparison of contours, aiding clinics to observe similarities and differences. Easily compare the user or AI-generated structures vs. verified reference structures and calculate comparison metrics.

Visualize and quantify

Users can compare any contouring result by visualizing the differences and calculating similarity metrics against selected reference contours, including Dice score and Hausdorff distance.​

1) Abdomen and Thorax CT Model
2) Breast CT Model
3) Head and Neck CT Model
4) Male Pelvis CT Model